How to Date Multiple Guys Without Being Shady

Man in Blue T-shirt Lying on Bed Beside Woman in Green T-shirt

There is absolutely nothing wrong with dating multiple guys, as long as you’re clear with each of them about your intentions. Having clarity eradicates any further unexpected complications further down the line.

However, there are some things you should be aware of when casually dating multiple guys. This is to avoid catching feelings or getting hurt.

Be honest

If you’re going to date multiple people, it’s important that you are open and honest with each one of them about your intentions. This prevents any unwanted complications down the line and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page. Let’s say that you start dating a guy and make it clear that you’re just looking for casual fun, but he starts to develop feelings for you and wants a commitment. If he finds out that you’re still casually dating other guys it could put a serious damper on his feelings.

If someone you’re dating finds out that you’re seeing other people, it’s not okay to rub it in or try and make them jealous. They deserve the truth and it’s unfair to treat them like a play thing. They may be upset at first, but ultimately they’ll understand if you want to be exclusive with them.

However, if you do decide to be exclusive with someone, don’t forget that it’s not fair to the other guys you’re dating. Be respectful of their feelings and respect their decision to stop dating you. This will keep you from feeling guilty and ensure that you’re doing the right thing. It’s not easy to date multiple guys without being shady, but it can be done if you’re honest and have some set boundaries.

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Don’t rub it in

If you’re dating multiple guys, it’s important to make your intentions clear. If you’re unsure of what you want, it can be confusing for the guy(s) you’re dating as well. Plus, it can cause a lot of drama later on. If you’re clear from the start, it’s less likely to come back and bite you in the end.

When you’re dating several people, it’s important to remember that everyone has different feelings and opinions. Some people may feel upset if they find out that you’re dating other people, while others might not mind at all. It all depends on your relationship with each person and their own feelings and beliefs about relationships.

Just remember that you shouldn’t rub it in, even if you’re feeling good about your situation. It’s not fair to play with someone’s emotions, and it’s not really what you want to do in the long run. You might get lucky and meet someone who’s okay with your casual dating, but if that doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t force it. Also, don’t forget to take some time out for yourself. It’s important to keep yourself happy and healthy! Do your favorite activities, listen to music, or do whatever else it is that keeps you calm and centered. That way, you’re able to give your full attention to the people and things that matter most to you!

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Don’t be afraid to cut ties

There’s nothing wrong with dating multiple guys if you’re doing it for the right reasons. The most important thing is being crystal clear about your intentions from the start. This could be stating that you’re looking for something casual, that you’re not interested in getting into a serious relationship right now, or that you want an open relationship. By doing this, you can avoid any misunderstandings down the line.

If you’re dating multiple people and it starts to feel like a chore, then it might be time to cut ties. After all, you probably had other things in your life before you started dating – friends, family, a job, hobbies – and they should remain the priority. It’s also important to keep in mind that multiple dating can be incredibly time-consuming, and you need to ensure you have enough time for yourself, your career, and other relationships.

Finally, if you’re dating multiple people because you simply want an ego boost or are afraid of commitment, then it might be time to reconsider your motives. In this case, it’s likely that you won’t find what you’re looking for in a long-term relationship, and you may end up getting hurt in the process. This can be a real bummer because you’ll end up with a lot of broken hearts.

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Be smart with your sex

Whether you’re dating multiple guys to find the best possible match or to play the field, it’s important to be smart about your sex. This means not flirting with guys who you’re already dating. It’s also important to communicate effectively with your dates about your status as a polyamorous person and let them know when you’re not available.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what kind of relationship you want and how casual or serious you are about finding the right man for you. Some women feel better playing the field and finding their perfect match by dating several men at once, while others would prefer to be monogamous. It’s important to be honest about your goals and create clear boundaries with each of the people you’re seeing so that there are no surprises down the road.

Regardless of what you choose, be sure to be open and honest with the people you’re dating and always treat them with respect. While there’s a stigma attached to dating multiple guys, you’re not necessarily cheating on anyone if you are upfront about your status and clear with each of the people you’re seeing. This is the best way to keep things shady-free and fun!

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